in-cosmetics Turkey and Middle East market focus highlights opportunities for beauty and personal care

The Turkish and Middle Eastern personal care market is the second fastest growing beauty and personal care products region in the world, and has been for the past six years[1]. This dynamism, coupled with the specifics found in each country make the region the perfect focal point for this year’s Market Focus at in-cosmetics Barcelona 2015.

Following the success of last year’s Brazil Country Focus, in-cosmetics will continue the show’s longstanding commitment to providing a unique perspective on regional business opportunities, marketing, regulatory and scientific updates with a number of dedicated features focusing on Turkey and the Middle East.

Turkey’s personal care market is currently being fuelled by an improving economy, which has seen an increase in jobs, driving the perception that a greater degree of personal grooming is required. 2012 and 2013 also saw more new product development backed by high profile advertising campaigns helping to drive demand, with sales across the market now equating to just over US$4bn.

Consumers in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) meanwhile, have the highest per capita outlay on cosmetic and beauty products in the region – spending US$156 each on fragrance alone in 2013 – while total sales are expected to top US$30bn by 2018 – up from US$24bn.

These countries alongside Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Iran and Saudi Arabia – the largest market with sales worth US$4.1bn in 2013 – are driving interest and investment in the region and will be touched upon within the Market Focus at in-cosmetics Barcelona 2015.

When it comes to individual sectors, fragrance takes the ‘top slot’ with sales accounting for 19% (US$4.6bn) of total sales in 2013, closely followed by hair care at 17% (US$4.1bn) with colour cosmetics and skin care each making up 13% of total sales (US$3.1bn).

Given the continuing growth of the world’s Muslim population, Halal products are subsequently a rising area within the cosmetics and personal care industry, not only in Turkey and the Middle East, but also globally with the sector predicted to grow at a CAGR of 13.43% over the period 2013-2018[2]. This rise can be particularly attributed to strong demand from Malaysia and Indonesia – the two largest Halal beauty markets in the world.

These trends and many more will be explored in a series of dedicated show features including a pavilion playing host to ingredients manufacturers including Surya Kimya – one of the biggest makers and suppliers of cosmetic ingredients in Turkey, and Manolya Dogal ve Aromatik Uranler Gider San.vatic.Ltd.Sti, a Turkish family company specialising in natural oils.

The in-cosmetics 2015 Educational Programme also includes a Marketing Trends presentation from DrYavuz Özoguz of Halal certification specialists m-haditec, offering insights into the rise of Halal products and forecasts for growth, plus a guide to the complex area of certification. Another presentation will focus on creating a marketing strategy for cosmetic brands in the Middle East, providing useful insights for organisations looking to break into the region.

Trends such as the demand for convenience products including 2-in-1 hair care[3] in the UAE and a growing awareness of beauty and personal care products amongst younger consumers in Iran will be explored as part of Euromonitor International’s examination of the region’s key trends and statistics as part of its global beauty market presentation. Mintel will also focus on the changing approach to beauty regimes inspired by and from Turkey and the Middle East in their Rituals beauty Product Demonstrations.

A Product Trail focused on Turkey and the Middle East will also highlight unique products and projects from or inspired by the region, giving visitors an opportunity to discover innovative and exciting products, which they may have otherwise missed.

Cathy Laporte, Exhibition Manager for in-cosmetics said: “The Turkish and Middle-Eastern personal care and beauty market is an area of great diversity, with many different factors affecting the countries within it, including the increasingly growing economies and desire for specialised products such as halal based products.

“The Turkey and Middle-East Market Focus at in-cosmetics Barcelona will highlight the best this market has to offer in terms of ingredients and potential opportunities, while exploring the trends which have shaped the market over the past few years and those set to influence its future.”
To find out more about the Turkey and the Middle East Market Focus visit the website on



For further press information, please contact Ted Woodward at the in-cosmetics group press office on +44 (0) 207 240 2444, or email


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[1] Unless otherwise stated, all stats Euromonitor International 2014

[2] TechNavio:

[3] Euromonitor:

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